Alcohol Detox Treatment
Did you know?
Every year in the U.S. roughly
people under the age of 21 die from an alcohol-related incident including car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning and other related injuries.

Alcohol Abuse
Going into a facility for alcohol detox is not only necessary but it is the only way to ensure safety during the withdrawal phase, and could be dangerous if not conducted in a medical setting.
- Detox is the first step of the alcohol abuse treatment process. Withdrawal is the term used to describe the body’s reaction to the removal of the alcohol it has become dependent upon.
- Detox is an important step because until the physical dependency issue is taken care of, no other form of treatment will work.
Alcohol Withdrawal can cause craving for more so it’s important for this process to be done in a controlled environment where drinking is not an option. Through a combination of a strong medication regimen and friendly and knowledgeable staff, we make this process an easy and comfortable one.
Our goal is to fully prepare the individual physically and mentally so that he or she may be able to participate in the educational and therapeutic process of therapy, residential treatment or AA meetings.
We help the patient achieve an alcohol free state and relieve the physical symptoms of withdrawal. Alcohol detox can be defined as a period of medically monitored treatment, where a person is helped to overcome their physical dependence on alcohol.
Until the detox process is complete, someone is simply not ready for recovery. Therefore, the ultimate goal of detox is the first step in preparation for a life in recovery and freedom from alcoholism.

Signs of Withdrawal
These can range from mild to quite severe. Mild reactions to alcohol detox can include tremors (the shakes), headaches, vomiting, perspiration, restlessness, loss of appetite and insomnia.
More serious effects of alcohol detox can be Delirium Tremens (DT’s), autonomic hyperactivity and seizures (convulsions). It has been estimated that 1 in 4 patients are at high risk of a withdrawal seizure if not medically treated during alcohol detox. Physical addiction to alcohol occurs in consistent drinkers.
At Summer House medication is provided to counter the detox withdrawal symptoms and make individuals more comfortable during this important phase.
The Solution
The highly trained staff at Summer House will assist in making the detox process safe and comfortable. We not only understand alcoholism, but we have all, at one time, been there ourselves.
You need help and Summer House can help you regain control of your life and help you to free yourself from the feeling that you need to keep drinking every day just to feel normal. Remember, you don’t have to live like this anymore, it can stop right now. Break free of the chains that hold you down… Pick up the phone and call us… We’re here to help.
If you have any questions about whether you or a loved one may need to detox from alcohol… please call us 24 hours a day, and remember you are not alone.

Alcohol Detox in Miami, FL
Alcohol detox can be a stressful and even dangerous process; if you choose to go through withdrawal in a professional alcohol detox Florida facility, you can stay safe as you navigate your symptoms with the help of medical personnel. Remember, alcohol withdrawal requires professional treatment, particularly due to its unpredictable nature.
What Is Alcohol Detox?
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol detox is the professional medical treatment of a patient who is undergoing mild to severe alcohol withdrawal. If you are likely to experience alcohol withdrawal when you are unable to drink or decide to stop drinking, it is necessary that you seek treatment. As stated by the National Library of Medicine, the signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:
- Anxiety
- Jumpiness.
- Irritability.
- Mood swings.
- Fatigue.
- Depression.
- Nightmares.
- Sweating.
- Headache.
- Insomnia.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Tremors.
- Convulsions
Some people experience severe withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking, which is referred to as delirium tremens. Delirium tremens can also cause seizures, fever, confusion, and hallucinations.
What Does Detox for Alcohol Abuse Entail?
When a person goes through detox for alcohol abuse, they will usually need to be evaluated first for the severity of their syndrome and likelihood of experiencing delirium tremens. The National Library of Medicine states that people who are likely to experience delirium tremens are those who:
- Drink more than 4 to 5 pints of wine, 7 to 8 pints of beer, or 1 pint of hard liquor per day.
- Have been drinking for over 10 years.
- Have experienced delirium tremens before.
- Have had a head injury, illness, or infection along with alcohol withdrawal.
After the patient is evaluated and professionals determine the correct level of treatment, the patient is usually given medications to treat their alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
In most cases, the patient will also receive access to behavioral therapy to prepare them for alcohol addiction treatment. The testing and monitoring of vitals may also be necessary, especially if the patient is experiencing delirium tremens.
What Type of Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment Do I Need?
If you are severely addicted to alcohol and likely to experience delirium tremens, you should seek inpatient treatment for your alcohol detox Miami. Most people in this situation need 24-hour care in a medical facility where they can be sedated for the duration of their most severe symptoms. Otherwise, they could become a danger to themselves and others.
If you are likely to experience more mild alcohol withdrawal, an outpatient alcohol detox Florida center may be a solution, but you may still want 24-hour care. In this case, residential treatment without the hospital-based care can be a helpful solution.
What Happens Next?
After your alcohol detox in Miami program ends, you will need to enter a formal alcohol rehabilitation center. After all, detox on its own is not considered an effective treatment for addiction, and those who become dependent on alcohol must learn to cope with the effects of their addictions after withdrawal ends.
Take The First Step Now
For immediate assistance, please call our Admissions Specialists at 800-719-1090.