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Code Of Ethics

Policy On Ethical Conduct

Summer House is committed to abide by a code of conduct and business practices consistent with our Mission Statement and ethical standards as they are laid out in NAATP’s Code of Ethics. By adhering to these standards, Summer House seeks to continue providing quality, patient-centered care that respects and enhances the dignity of persons served.

  • Summer House business activities will be guided by and adhere to all legal, regulatory and the most stringent ethical standards. Our organizational structure, guiding principles, and mission will be clearly stated and available.
  • Summer House will only engage in ethical marketing practices. False advertising, misleading internet search engine results and websites, and deceptive representation of services are prohibited.
  • Summer House will employ professional and credentialed clinical and medical staff who subscribe to the professional and ethical standards of their disciplines. 
  • Summer House will establish collaborative relationships with other healthcare providers that work to ensure that each patient receives the best possible treatment throughout the continuum of care.
  • Summer House fees will be transparent and available to all stake-holders.
  • Summer House will not offer or perform services for which it is not licensed and accredited.
  • Summer House employees will not accept gifts or gratuities for services rendered in the course of normal employment. Gifts of more than normal value (defined as in excess of 100.00 dollars) from individuals or organizations with whom Summer House does business, or hopes to do business with, will not be accepted. The acceptance of a gift in the excess of $100.00 is a violation of this policy. The acceptance of social invitations from individuals doing business with or seeking to do business with Summer House, when such invitations can be contrived as an intent to influence an employee’s decision and the cost to the host for such entertainment would appear excessive, is a violation of this policy.
  • Personnel may solicit funds from other staff for personal causes such as: selling Girl Scout cookies; selling items or raffle tickets to benefit a child’s school or sports team; and raising funds for charitable organizations.
  • Soliciting persons served, or asking persons served to solicit for an employee is not allowed.
  • Summer House will respect and safeguard the personal property of persons served, visitors, and personnel.  
  • Administration will take into consideration the appearance of impropriety. Summer House employees should refrain from engaging in any activity give the appearance of impropriety.  If you are unclear consult with your immediate supervisor regarding the offer.
  • All referrals to and from Summer House are based on the needs of the client. In addition, there are to be no prearranged financial agreements with any referral source.
  • Any crime committed at Summer House will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination and pursued to the full extent of the law. 
  • Summer House employees will not enter in to amorous relationships with a client during that client’s stay in the facility.  Employees at Summer House are not to pursue an amorous relationship with anyone who has been a client at Summer House for a minimum of two years from the date of that clients’ last discharge.
  • Summer House personnel may witness documents such as: Treatment Agreements; Advanced Directives; and Release of Information forms. If a staff member is a Notary Public, she may also notarize treatment related documents; non-treatment related documents must have the approval of Administration. Persons served will not be charged for this service.
  • Waste, fraud, abuse, and other wrongdoing are strictly prohibited and employees are required to report the suspicion of any of the above as outlined in the employee handbook.
  • Summer House personnel will use social media responsibly and will not post distinctive personal information about clients that breaches confidentiality or misrepresent to the public the services we provide, or our level of care.
  • Summer House will not engage in any form of discrimination against, or harassment of any employee, applicant for employment, or patient because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, civil status or any other group characteristic protected under state or federal law.

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